Monday, October 31, 2005

31st October

be scared!!
I've had quite a hectic day and I don't know why. I'm not going to DIY for cretins tonight so I do apologise if you like your weekly update, but the girls didn't want me to go. Instead we invited Dylan to come see the Corpse Bride with us.
I've spent the afternoon playing with my new phone!
A Motorola thing on Orange. I was sooo unhappy with Vodafones customer service.
Plus I fancy Orange Wednesdays at the cinema.
Plus their deals are better. I topped up with £15 credit and got 3000 evenings and weekend texts free. I think. Actually not sure what he said now.
I'm coming to get you.... be prepared to face my wrath Plus I have a new number. That'll stop people like stalker contacting me.
So if you get a text from some unknown person...It's me.
I text my first person today and wanted to be text back to see if it worked...Sighh.
WTF I give up.
Anyways, Happy Halloween all of you.
Loves you all.


Unknown said...

Is that you on the right Trin, strutting yer stuff.

Anonymous said...

I liked DIY for cretins. You have ruined my enire week!!

Anonymous said...

I take it that this is one of your daughters? From the mouth, it appears to be the same daughter as the one that is always on the right of the page marked happy halloween. Why does this one daughter only appear at halloween? It appears she gets taken out of a box in the attic once a year, rather like a christmas tree. You have a very odd family. I also suspect that all your cats are stuffed. How else do you get them to stay so still for all the photos??

Stephen said...

That is one gorgeous witch... the animation isn't bad, either.