Friday, October 28, 2005

nice kind mummy

I was up half the night with Danielle. She woke me up at 1 am crying. She wasn't well, her head hurt, she was worried about the weekend. She wanted to go, why was she always ill before anything exciting?
I think the kid has over done it. She went to the Eden Project Wednesday and out with Shelter all day yesterday from 8-6.30.
I took her downstairs and tried to get her to take a Nurofen Tablet.
FFS you'd think I was getting her to swallow a lump of coal.
It's a fecking enteric coated easy to swallow small round thing. But she cannot swallow them and I ended up losing my temper with her, which made her worse.
If you can eat steak and solid food stuff you can take tablets.
The inner nurse, gentle, kind, patient person came out and I told her take the tablet or not go away with Nanny.
She managed one, then I felt mean and let her sleep with me the rest of the night.
She seems better this morning and I'm going into work an hour late.
Work must despair of ever getting me there... All week or for a whole shift.
Oh well, not as if they don't owe me hundreds of hours from days gone by.
In the Human Resource world you can't just piss off on time every day.
Especially now the car park is locked until 8pm... Bastards

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

As a kid I was always ill before anything exciting too. Fortunately I no longer have this problem. Nothing exciting ever happens anymore.