Sunday, October 30, 2005


Do you ever feel you are one of life's little cruel experiments?
Ah yes, we need to torture a woman in the Bristol region, cause her untold misery and never let her be happy.
See what happens.
Let's see if she can undo the lock, find her way through the maze, sort out the bad people from the good, throw in a few decoys on the way. Make her trust people so implicitly, a deep soul baring trust.Then let's have them turn out really to be The Devil.
How long till she susses it and then how will she cope?
I think I should avoid human contact. My psychiatrist says that I'm barely there ATM and he doesn't want me to be hurt. I need to be built up a bit more before I can face the harsh realities of the REAL world.
So here I sit. Trying to make sense of it all. And rather like a Rubiks cube, that I was never any good at, every time I get one block in the right place it puts a whole line of them out.
I used to say that, in the great Chocolate Box of life, I was the Orange Creme that nobody wanted. It was tongue in cheek. Light hearted and said to make people laugh.
But really, I'm the toffee square that no one dares to bite for fear of never being able to get the stuff off your teeth again.


Anonymous said...

That last sentence is very true, but then maybe you offer the box around too freely. Find somebody who LIKES the stuff on their teeth.

Bit low trin. For what its worth, not a lot I know, this online fan who has been through the same thing knows you will solve it. These problems don't last for ever.

Anonymous said...

People only think they don't like the Orange Creme. Like that bloke in teh Revels ad - "But I LIKE Orange!". It's the Coffee Creme we all fear. And Marzipan.