Sunday, October 09, 2005

Crime Scene investigates: Bristol Version

Not too good tonight. There's huge pressure in my head, which is building, and I nearly had a crying moment just now. Only stopped by cooking some fish. (Yes Fish)
I seem to need to eat lots of fish this past week. Not the fried crap either, steamed fish. I wonder if the nutrients in fish are helping my head to recover something, brain cells maybe, though, I'm probably just some loony who likes fish.
I had a few hours of adult company last week, quality hours and I liked it, and I'm finding it hard this weekend being alone.
I rang Collette, but the poor girl is trying to work, and I know it's impossible to have a conversation with someone when patients need you. Plus Coll isn't 100% well. She needs a fortnight in the sun with me I reckon.
Boden, CSA just checking under the bed for hidden money...The Ex came round. It's his birthday tomorrow. The girls got him a card and a Toblerone bar. He didn't think it was enough and the card didn't say Dad. She got him one that said :
"Bob wondered if he'd done the right thing by joining the Tunbridge Wells Angling Team"
With a picture of a guy fishing with T.W.A.T on his tee shirt. She thought it hilarious.
But truth is we really don't have any money and that took three quid out of out budget for the week.
He also just rang and told Abby, that her request for him to assist her financially with the St Lucia trip, would have to wait until he heard from the CSA. Apparently he's 'Under Investigation' he told her.
I've got my DIY course tomorrow night, so that'll keep me busy. A whole week free of Effexor, Guys.
I've taken that drug since Feb 2000.
I should feel really proud of myself but I just feel like crying.
Silly Cow.


Stephen said...

Fish is good...

Anonymous said...

You can feel good about yourself AND have a good cry you know? Tears can be really good for your health. When you get a moment of frustration, regret or any emotion at all, it always helps to wash that feeling out with a few tears. :) Promise! Nothing like doing a Gazza to really feel good afterwards. XXX
As to what "He" got... I'm overjoyed when my boys simply SAY Happy Birthday. Anything else is a whole new plane :D
Be well Pussykins. Hope the fish has no bones