Tuesday, October 25, 2005

DIY For the dumb part 4

light thingy
Monday night. It's..... DIY for the dumb evening.
Tonight's lesson had 7 students all needy souls, desperate to glean the techniques of the DIY initiated.
My fav two woman Cagney and Lacey returned. I think they didn't come last week to avoid the electrical lesson.. Cagney said electric holds no spark of interest for her.
Hahahahaaa, so tonight we did.... ELECTRIC again.
But not just boring dull skirting board stuff. Tonight we were up on the ceiling doing light fittings.
Anyways, really thick canon fodder army man was disappointingly there. I challenged him for saying he wouldn't be there this week. The army medical had taken a lot less time than anticipated. I guess they gave up looking for his brain.
There were two other men, one called Martin who knows NOTHING and writes down every word teach says. And the relatively normal one (who is probably a mad axe murderer)
Cagney and Lacey began to moan about the electrical stuff... And Teach made them wire a plug. After all, they missed it last week :)
I told them I was doing a ten week electric course with Ken soon. They asked me why... I told them, I thought I might meet hot men there (I will do if they electrocute themselves)
Teach does his stuff Lacey said that she doubted it.
I agreed, these courses seem to have all women or incredibly dense men on them. There was a silent pause and the three of us turned and looked at Martin and Brainless Army guy. We were all thinking the same thing.
Teach came over and taught them how to cut wire with a Stanley knife. (I'm already skilled using a stanley knife of course. Like putty in my hands... if only I could remember not to put it in my pocket with the blade still exposed)
I recalled a sign outside the college that said.. College of excellence and accessibility for Learning Disabilities.
Hmmm, says it all really.
So we wired up a ceiling thingy and talked about changing wires, light fittings, switches... I got confused and decided never to touch any electric ever again. I am however, pretty damn good at screwing things into tiny holes. I have a natural aptitude for such behaviour.
Next Monday is tiling, shame really as it's Halloween and I'm not too sure about leaving the kids on their own. Can get pretty freaky around these parts.
Wouldn't want a kid dressed as Derek Acorah scaring them. Maybe I can get a baby sitter?
Do I need to learn to tile?


Anonymous said...

I had been waiting in anticipation of this moment all week!!!! JOY! I was planning to say that your "ceiling thingy" is even more shite than your "panel thing" last week. But then I saw I'm already skilled using a stanley knife of course and decided it might not be wise.

Your ceiling thingy is lovely, best ceiling thingy I have ever seen.

Trinity said...

You chose wise words dark Lord. I shall not flail your useless body today.

Anonymous said...

Us xoggoths are never fooled for long. I have read your story on my webshite

Come on Trin tell us how you are REALLY hoping to apply these DIY skills???

Trinity said...

It's DIY for cretins, not cybernetics (sadly)