Sunday, November 06, 2005

Vet update

Took Bailey to the vets, TBH she seemed a bit better today (at times but other times she's like a little dead limpet.)
The vet was lovely. Really knew his stuff and he said she had a Corneal abrasion and scratch (plus ulcer). A particularly nasty one and it would be hugely painful. A human would have to go to bed for three days to recover.
He gave her local anaesthetic eye drops, antibiotics, eye ointment and oral painkillers.
Plus he wants to see her again Thursday.
50 bloody quid it cost. I didn't have 50 quid so I paid 30 and owe them the rest.
He did say that a cats claws are poisonous and if it doesn't clear up after 5 days it will be much more serious.
Damn that Taylor, though to be fair to him, he was scared of the fireworks too.
I got them all in thinking they'd be safe and warm and this happens.
I'm going to lock them all in separate rooms next year. Hope there's no more tonight... let it rain and heavily....


Jude said...

awww poor kitty

Anonymous said...

Vets bills are outrageous - do you have Blue Cross clinics or anything near you?