Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Bailey Helps Out

ever helpful! Danielle has spent an hour wrapping her presents for her 'mates' In my day we never gave mates presents... Damn commercialism.
It's Baileys fav thing. Helping to wrap gifts. Helping to rip that paper up .... No need for scissors. Laying on the paper so no one can use it.. Bless.
Mind you I haven't bought her an Advent calendar this year after last years fiasco.
Danz is now upstairs doing her homework. She has to draw a treasure map.It's the shape of a fat 5 by 9 inch standing dragon with detail.
One of the details is to draw 2 fine land locked harbours inside the map.
Does Land locked mean no water to it at all and if that's the case why have a harbour.
I think I must be thick.

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