Wednesday, November 30, 2005

chit chat

USB Lava Lamp essential for all self respecting PC's No blogging yesterday. It would have been a self pitying slathering of how ill I felt and no-one needs to read that!
Bloody British Winters. Mind I know where I got it. I can pin point the exact sneezing, snotty child I looked after last week. Poor kid, I now know how she felt.
But tonight it's kind of broken and I feel better. Can't sleep but that may have something to do with me being in bed most of the day.
I was a crap house guest for Clarrie, a crap mate to Collette and a crap worker. But I feel better and I am so glad.
This is a USB Lava lamp that Clarrie bought me for the pc. Isn't it lush? Next door have so many outside Christmas decorations up that the street no longer requires street lighting.
home made cookies Abby came back from catering today with home made wholemeal rolls that were lush and hand made cookies. They were lovely too. Shame she doesn't want to do catering.
Bailey missed us at the weekend. She's been scared to go out incase we disappear again. Poor love. Danz misses Clarrie's cats though. They took a shine to her... I think they never get any attention.
Right back to bed. Be well everyone.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bloody kids. They try and give you everything going - colds, worms, nits, you name it.
Mine came down with mumps once and I've never had it. I was waiting for my bollox to swell
up like space hoppers but they failed in their evil plan fortunately.

I am sure that cookie tastes better than it looks. I thought it was another cat related thing at first glance.