Saturday, November 12, 2005

Alien cat

not really asleep
Bailey is an alien. Note the antennae sprouting from her head. This is to enable her to contact the mother ship in case us humans stop doing as we are told. And YES I'm the pleb who does as she bids.
I went back to bed last night at 5am. 5.30 am I was woken by her miaowing loudly and insistently.
I got up, she was at the bottom of the stairs yelling. I went down.
There was nothing wrong. I went into the lounge and she followed. She Jumped on the chair and fell asleep.
She didn't want to be alone but didn't feel like climbing the stairs.


Anonymous said...

Is the eye ok now??

Trinity said...

yeah she's fine. I told you the same story twice. I must be a mad woman......

Anonymous said...

You are a mad woman. What story? You have an odd "Gaslight" way of making everyone else around you think they are mad too. It is all part of your strategy to appear sane.

PS I have decided to advertise my site in the same shameless way you advertise on mine. Soon all your devoted fans will desert you for my site. Nobody will be able to resist the sexual allure of xoggoth.

Anonymous said...

Hey where's my URL ???

Trinity said...

defection will not be tolerated.
You will be shot at the border.
My word is final.

tonight this comment is brought to you by the word Jisspised