Sunday, November 06, 2005

more dolls

I have this complete facination with dolls. I wasn't a huge doll fan as a kid. I had dolls but beyond that they weren't very interesting.
I think my interest stems from a love of horror.
Not Chucky crap... he wasn't eye grabbing enough. I was more scared of the doll in Toy Story than Chucky.
But I would freak out if left in a room full of dolls overnight. All those staring unblinking eyes. Eyes that have seen life pass by them, seen and yet unseen.
Planning their incarnate assault on the human race.
I watch too much Doctor Who.
(BTW what a fabulous resource Flickr is)
I'm gonna get you.... yes you


Anonymous said...

Damned if I can find it on google now, but there is a true case of a waxwork that was used in a ghost train somewhere in the states. It had been repainted many times and was not apparently very scary. When they undertook a major renovation they found it was a real mummified corpse. If you can find it before me you can have that one to cheer you up after the vet thing.

Anonymous said...

Do a google for "Elmer McCurdy"