Saturday, November 12, 2005


kitties with pillows
I can't sleep. Actually I had several nightmares and finally I gave up and woke up.
I was being chased by wolves for some of them and others we were trapped in a large cold building and outside were zombies waiting to eat our flesh... I couldn't use the outside toilet as it was surrounded by them and was desperate for a pee.
I woke up desperate for a pee.
It's raining sheet rain outside.
Bailey went out through the cat flap and came back almost shrieking her mieows to make me come down and find out what's wrong.
Nothing's wrong. She's just a bit wet and wanted to tell someone.
Going to try again now.
Hope you're all asleep dreaming nice dreams about fun fairs and cruises and large warm whiskeys.
Funny old world.


Anonymous said...

I mostly dream of hanging around outside toilets hoping to watch desperate ladies who need a pee. But then I am a perve.

I would love to come back as a zombie. I would wander through Woolworths dropping decayed appendages in the Pick 'n Mix.

Anonymous said...

I get Zombie dreams too, but I'm always packing an infinite-ammo pump action shotgun, an RPG launcher and driving a Tank so it works out just fine for me, if a little messy.

Anonymous said...

Heh are you a "House of the Dead" fan too asmo?

Anonymous said...

I like anything, except pick n mix, with Zombies in it. Dawn of the Dead was seared into my consciousness back in '79 in a way no other undead film or game can surpass. I hear that tune 'The Gonk' whenever I'm in a shopping center. Probably because it's on my MP3 player though.