Sunday, November 13, 2005

Reading no not the town near London.... Books

I'm half way through the last Harry Potter book. It's ok, It's holding my attention but the storyline revolving around the stroppy teenagers is tiresome. We all know saving lives is our Nurse Debteenagers are the reason the Ozone Layer is crumbling away like stilton cheese. Ridiculous.
It's a feat though. My inability to concentrate on anything has prevented me from reading for years now and I like to read.
It's also good for the girls to see their mum reading. It's true. If you want your kids to read you have to do so yourself and be shown doing it. It becomes a daily routine.
I had this dreadful nightmare last night that part of my brain was removed to cure me. The square bit. They placed it somewhere else in case they found I couldn't cope without it, but promptly forgot where it was.
Anyways I've been on my new resource for all things wonderful and found some great stuff..... Books!
Bloody heck, they don't write 'em like they used to. My Nan had loads of this kind of 'throw away fiction'. I loved it. I'd sit there at weekend's just soaking up the stuff. My Granddad would wink at me, he knew the dubious content and laugh.
My favourite was the Teenage Virgin who was kidnapped by a press gang, and sailed off to the far Orient to be in a Harem. She was initiated by the Ship's handsome rugged Capitain, (said avec French accent), on the outward Journey and promptly fell in love with him. Then at the Harem she soon became the Sultan's favourite wife and made all the other Harem wives jealous and they tipped hot wax over her naked body... And.... And....OMG It's Sunday, whatever am I thinking? Tout Alors!
ps... actually not sure the Orient had Harems... I think it MAY have been that place where they have sand dunes... (not not Brean Downs).
>Image Hosted by ImageShack.usThose sexy babes in 3-B... Just where is 3-B?

Image Hosted by Wish I'd read this one.... I laughed at the names... The alluring mysterious name of Annice...Visions of beautiful, Swedish and nubile. Full of untried passion. How the feck do you know there's passion there till you try?
Barby (ok visions of burgers and sausages.. Stop-it) Dark, innocent, scared of men and a lesbian (stop salivating Space Minx).
And Pat? Fecking Pat? Pat Butcher? Pat who works down the chippy?
Pat, Big and Blonde (we know that) Pat, up for a bit of hanky panky over the Boss's Italian Cherry wood Desk.
Woah... Where can I get this book?
Feck, I'm soooo bored of sodding Harry Potter and his magic wand. They all got a 'Magic Wand' until you get to know them.


Anonymous said...

Harry Potter is kid's stuff and utter crap. Although as it has got so many kids reading who never did before, perhaps one shouldn't knoock it.

Funny the sexual things women like in books. Do they in reality? Thinking she would find it erotic, I once chucked a load of engine oil from my van over a lady in bed (well, that wax is such a fag to melt) and she screamed blue murder.

Anonymous said...

Does it have to be candle wax? It'd make romance a lot easier if I could just use some Turtle wax from the garage, and finish her off with the chamois leather. At least I know I'm good at that.

Trinity said...

god romance hasn't died with you two has it?

Anonymous said...

That's because we are REAL MEN. Real men burp and fart and are into cars and football not all that girly romance stuff!

(Well I am anyway. Actually cars are a bit gay, and as for waxing them! REAL REAL MEN drive vans and NEVER clean them)