Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Amazon online dating?

"Trinity ! Of course not. I did not think for one little moment that you would take any advantage from me.You are not another average girl. You are you and that's what makes you a ' Trinity ' a wonderful person.I guessed that from your first e-mail to me.And you will always remain a special friend to me. So it's only natural i want to send you gifts Some how i dont think i will go out of business. Not as long as trinity is there to give her blessings for me. Sleep tight young lady. You probably may not call me a 'generous ' tomrrow. Isn't life funny ? Azhar".

Crikey good job I didn't buy an Ipod from him or something. Ummm? This man has my address. Should I worry?


Anonymous said...

Yes. Sounds like you've hooked up with that Ahmed from Big Brother 5.


Anonymous said...

Didn't I tell he was creepy?? You don't listen to me

Trinity said...

Xoggoth doesn't reckon serial killers sell DVD's for Amazon

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I got a bit mixed up there. It's Waterstones that doesn't employ serial killers. Amazon never employs anyone else.