Thursday, November 10, 2005


College night. We arrived just before the wild rush. Not planned that way but I was pleased. We got to See an advisor easily. A very nice man who taught leisure and tourism. He put the course over well. Explained Abby's options. Talked about employment opportunities afterwards. I'm still slightly concerned About her lack of drive toward the subject but I think she's worried that she won't make the cut.
She said she liked it, but she didn't enthuse.
I guess it's hard to enthuse too much when you're 15?
cool college
So we had a pep talk on the drive home and she ended up crying and saying she didn't want to disappoint me and she wanted me to be proud.
Really I want her to be proud of herself and how can you be proud of yourself when your sum total is to end up working for Burger King?
Not sure she gets where my head is though, she doesn't get how important it is and when she does touch on that she gets so worked up about it all she has a shut down.
So now we have to apply and I have to take a step back and allow her to do this on her own.
Miss Control freak 2005.
Lordy lordy.


Anonymous said...

Rather nice to know your kids want you to be proud. You can't be such a rotten mother as you appear to think you are at times or they wouldn't give a shit.

I can't imagine either of our sons ever saying that, but possibly that's just the different male psychology. It's not the MANLY THING to care what your parents think.

She doesn't sound too sure of this. At risk of sounding like some pathetic wannabee agony aunt yet again, maybe she would be better being sure its what's she wants. Don't push her.

Anonymous said...

On a purely technical point. You are my official blog guru after all, so you have a duty to advise me.

How come you always seem to have all these marvelous photos of everything you do??? Lets see you went to this thing at 7pm?, 8pm? but you have pictures taken in bright sunlight? Ok, you could have scanned them from a brochure I suppose, but what about that picture of the road a few threads back??

Images of huge traffic jams building up in Bristol while a demented paediatric nurse stands in the road and takes pictures.

I know the secret of the cat and daughter pictures of course - they are all STUFFED! I would stuff the missus but still awaiting delivery of several tonnes of kapok.

Trinity said...

always carry your digicam with you at all times. A great photo opportunity may come along and you'll miss it.
I snap everything all the time.
I try ot to hold up traffic but if the blooging world needs a photo then what can I do?