Monday, March 13, 2006

what's in a name?

"Oh Cathy, Oh Alison, Oh Phillipa, Oh Sue
You made me so much money,
I wrote this song for you
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue, Deborah, Annabel, too
I wrote this song for you
Jennifer, Alison, Phillipa, Sue, Deborah, Annabel, too
I wrote this song for you"

Beautiful South (1989)

Next door have called their baby Lannie. Trouble is, it's pronounced Laney. She's going to have to correct people all the time.
We get that in work all the time. People use some obscure spelling like Abegayle. Then they frown when you don't pronounce it right.
You can only use the rules of the English language when make assumptions of pronunciations.
We had a poor little Asian kid called Meboob in a few weeks back.
Apparently it's a common Indian name.. But imagine the jibes at school?
For some reason we'd had a run of Shaniquia and Shanias. One poor baby boy was called Romeo-Valentine, or RV for short. Ah well nothing beats Lemoni-Sparkle for me though.
I got my new council tax bill for next year. They STILL haven't given me single persons discount. I phoned them. No word of a lie it took me an hour and 7 minutes to get through.
I answered the same questions again about being single, filling out forms etc etc... They're looking into it... AGAIN.
I'd forgotten the loft insulation men were coming today. So I've had men in me roof. Oooer.
Abby's home from school AGAIN... mumble mumble.
The loft men didn't know she was in her room. She said they were talking some crap, they thought no-one could hear them. Danielle has got McFly posters on her door. They were taking the piss out of them. Then giving the low down on the exploits of their girlfriends. There was an awkward moment when Abby got a text. They both checked their phones. "It wasn't mine"... "Nor mine" they exclaimed. Abby was cringing in her room.
My neighbour just came in. She had her window put through last week. Apparently the woman who lived there before her was a 'grasser' so she's liable to be targeted.
Bloody hell. She's lived there nearly a year now. Some people haven't got 2 brain cells to rub together.
The cops asked her if she was going to move because of it... Ummm talk about helpful!

1 comment:

clarrie said...

Two true name stories:
1. My friend's a teacher, taking the register on her first day with a new class, calls out "Siobhan" (shi-vorn)- no reply. Gets to the end, one girl hasn't answered "what's your name?" "Siobhan (Sigh-o-barn) miss" Her parents saw it written down and thought Sigh-oh-barn a lovely name!

2. I was making an appointment for a young Bengali lad, asked him his name and he said Mr Mohammed. I said no I need your first name too, I know loads of Mr Mohammeds. In the end he shamefacedly admitted his first name is Fokkir. Which was presumably fine in the Bengali village he was born in, not so fine in down town Manc tho!