Saturday, March 25, 2006

RE: re

I liked Donna's Mother's Day Card from her little boy. Kids say the funniest stuff... Or get you into trouble. I remember when Danz was 5 and in year one at school and she wrote a story telling her teacher about how she'd burnt herself ironing.
Danielle is doing her religious education homework. The resurrection of Christ.
The last question is "Do you believe Jesus was resurrected? What is the most likely explanation of what happened to the body"
Interesting stuff. I wonder if some staunch believers would really want their kids thinking about 'most likely explanations'?
Then there's a piece that says at the last supper Jesus promised to send down a 'helper' for the disciples. A helper? Didn't know that bit.
Danz has nearly filled her exercise book with RE homework. We have to BUY a new one. Jeez now if only he'd promised free school books with that resurrection.
(psst, I just worked out the 'helper' is the Holy Spirit... now HE won't do the washing up on Sundays now will he?)


Anonymous said...

I suppose Christ must have been the world's second zombie (Lazarus being the first obviously). I wonder if he wandered about with his arms outstretched trying to eat people's brains?

Anonymous said...

Nah, Jesus was one of those self-hating Zombies - remember, he offered his body & blood to the disciples to eat at the last supper.