Monday, March 27, 2006

shiny scratchy women

Work today was hell. The first day on the new ward and some idiot had added about 6 people to the diary over the weekend... Hey more space on the new ward! Lets add more patients. Duh... We only had ONE Doctor. People were waiting hours, tempers were frayed and I kept apologising over and over.
In the afternoon we did joint injections. The rheumatology nurse had given us the wrong names for the expected patients. It wasn't a big deal but we'd got the paperwork ready for the names given and had extra work reorganising... Then she came out moaning that the gas had run out. We duly replaced the cylinder (perplexed as that doesn't happen) to discover she hadn't switched the valve on.
Hmm. Shiny Happy People all round.
Image Hosted by ImageShack.usWe had a consultant come in to talk to some parents. In the Bear House (lovingly renamed the shit house by those in the know) the TV was on. Daytime rubbish.
I stood underneath it whilst the adverts were on. I couldn't reach it, it's so high only giraffes can flick the switch.
I became aware of a certain advert showing. Vagisil. Oh deep joy.

"Any itching is annoying but feminine itching is the worst"

It went onto describe the "intimate female area".
There was a moments silence.
(Thankfully it didn't affect me in the same way that happens when someone mentions headlice)

We need cable TV so bad. CBBC doesn't have adverts.


Anonymous said...
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Trinity said...
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Anonymous said...

Fanny is a good old British word redolent of a better bygone world, a good old upstairs / downstairs, come here scullery maid you know you like it, ooooh sir you mustn't sort of world. Pussy is a horrible vulgar Americanism.

Trinity said...

Vagisil reminds me of Ronseal. All year round weather protection.

Trinity said...

I did take off a comment up there. My reasons were that although we are quite open and honest in our house, the children do find some things gross and the comment Xoggoth made was read by them and they made a fuss.
I know I'm not miss perfect either but the kids do read this blog. The girls have seen the vagisil advert and many other 'feminine adverts' and laugh at them but not in a crude way. There are only kids.
Hope you guys understand.