Saturday, March 18, 2006

Royal Airhead Force?

Now, where did I put my Hair Straighteners? I always knew the RAF was full of blonde bimbos. Found in this month's Sugar Magazine....
Isn't she just looking at this mess and thinking "Where the heck am I going to put my make-up bag?"
Nice pink mirror too... are they standard issue in all RAF barracks?
Maybe Dylan would wish to comment?

"I'm a Barbie girl in the Royal Airforce
Life in Combats, it's fantastic"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What can I say???

3 things really:

1. Notice, she's wearing a flying suit, not combats, and is therefore 'Aircrew', or 'Glorified Truck Drivers' as we used to call them

2. I don't remember members of the WRAF being that good looking!

3. I don't ever remember Aircrew being able to muster the intelligence of a Barbie Doll