Saturday, March 18, 2006

chuck loves

private lesson... in Italian Quando?
Roundhouse Kicks

Crikey, a whole blog dedicated to Chuck Norris... I think. It's in Italian and consists of one or two liner posts with the word Chuck Norris written several times. They could be saying Chuck is a dick for all I know... but what astounded me was this dull little blog attracts SO many comments. One post has 178 comments... what can they have said that was so facinating?

"Quando cadono dal balcone i gatti atterrano sempre in piedi. Il gatto di Chuck Norris atterra facendo una capriola e ballando la mazurka, solo per divertire il suo padrone"

Translates to...

"When they fall from the balcony the cats always land in feet. The cat of Chuck Norris lands making one capriola and dancing the mazurka, in order to only amuse its landladies"

And one of the comments?

"Quando Chuck Norris è ubriaco e ha la nausea, beve un'altra bottiglia di whiskey per far capire allo stomaco chi è che comanda".

translates thus;

"When Chuck Norris is drunk and has nausea, she drinks an other bottle of whiskey in order making to understand to the stomach who is that she commands.
Hello Gas"

(Now it becomes perfectly clear... pass me my pills ;)
Quando..... god I'm educational today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yeh, but they are all by him. Hey!! That's an idea!!

Didn't Garfield love Lasagne?