Monday, March 06, 2006

Lady 4 lunch

You know you're on a loser when your eldest stumbles downstairs asking first her sister than me if she 'looks pale'.
No, we both said emphatically.
So she got dressed but came downstairs all disheveled and hair wild and said she felt sick and had tummy ache.
I'm not in the habit of battling for school attendance. I'd lose anyways. If she went in she'd be sent back in an hour.
So back to bed and I'll give her the benefit of the doubt that she is ill.
I was sick yesterday morning. There's a bug going round.
I puked me meds up, I felt a bit heady and spacey all day. Not sure if it was the lack of lamotrigine or not. I don't think it effects you in that way.
I started a new web site yesterday. TBH, it wasn't really meant to be for anyone but me. I really do need some counselling. I'm bursting with things to bring out into the open. As I feel better I need to talk about just what the feck has happened to me... To us.
So I started it, and spent all weekend making it comfortable and mine.
It looks pretty and I did some retrospective writing. But last night was surprised when someone found it.
It's ok, I don't mind but I don't really want the few precious mates I have to roll their eyes and think 'Here that Stupid Cow goes again'. And retreat. There is such a thing as burning out your friends.
Then the kids found it.
I told Abby that I wanted it to be personal just for me. Both of them have 'MySpace' sites that I don't read.
She said that she wouldn't be a very good daughter if she didn't keep an eye on what I wrote, if she reads she can see how I'm feeling.
'Imagine how I'd feel if you died and I hadn't seen the signs' She proclaimed.
And you reckon my kids are having a normal happy upbringing?
I'm going out for lunch.
A girl from work. Haven't done that in ages. I rang her last night to check it was still ok. Her husband said she was on the machine and couldn't come to the phone.
'Life Support?' I asked. Turns out it's one of those walking cross country contraptions. She never did ring me back so I THINK I'm going to her for lunch.
Trin, a lady who lunches. Could be a new trend... Not.


Anonymous said...

Damn, so we're not going to have the fun of laughing at your crap website then? This isn't fair, you sneered at my website. Is is worse than your shelves? I bet by tomorrow your site has fallen down, killing several innocent bystanders.

Anonymous said...

PS Did you use the hosters I suggested? If so, that's another £478+VAT you owe me.