Wednesday, December 14, 2005

why is there a d in wednesday?

Why do women have to have fecking periods? Ha, the taboo subject, though us modern women with passion and drive don't fear talking about said subject.
I never asked to be born with child bearing facilities inbuilt. I want to be a man who drinks beer and scratches me balls. It doesn't help that last night a certain someone said to me that He doesn't trust people that can bleed for 7 days and not die. Hmph.
I've been out searching for an Angel Costume for Abby to wear tomorrow night to her Christmas St Lucia Fundraising extravaganza. No joy (lol) , so I got her a Miss Santa Suit instead, furry red with a sexy zip up front... lol, hope she'll wear it.
I'm off to work in a minute. They've already rung me, I forgot to do something on Monday... But I DID write myself a note to remind me and stuck it to the filing cabinet. But I forgot about the note. Anyways someone else found it and has dealt with it, so I guess it worked, sort of :-X
My miss efficient crown is slipping.


Anonymous said...

You should have left yourself a note that the note was there ;)

As to "women's problems" (Hah! What a misnomer! We don't know what it's like eh? Then how come it's US that suffer more than you? Only joking..... put the knife down dear... ok... I'll just go and... and... erm... really? You want me to do THAT? Do you think it'll fit? Ok, ok, yes dear, I'm sure it IS preferable to sticking it there... incidentally, my proctologist said it isn't up there... he'd have found it).

Ok, jokes aside, you've my sympathy and as much understanding as any guy can give.

Anonymous said...

Forbidden subject? It is my experience that lots of modern young ladies discuss their periods at the drop of a hat.

Anonymous said...

(Dons Ultimate Pedant Hat)
The D in Wednesday isn't silent, it's just the lazy modern way of pronouncing it that has favoured ignoring it. Hope that clears up one of life's mysteries for you.

Spaceminx said...

Bah! Bloody periods! (pardon the pun). I hate them. My emotions have been all over the place this week, a case in point being my bursting into tears in front of my boss the other day. Thankfully my boss is a woman & understood that i'm not normally so melodramatic.

clarrie said...

There is a 'd' in Wednesday because it was originally called Wodin's Day, after the Norse God Wodin (aka Odin), ruler of all the gods (cf Zeuss). A fact which sadly I knew sans googlation. And presumably Mr Asmodeus would wish us to return to saying "Wodin's Day" in full rather than this modern lazy way of doing it tsk (likewise Tiw's Day, Thor's Day, Freya's Day and so on)