Tuesday, December 06, 2005

more tree

'mine all mine'
I'm not sure the tree's going to last until Christmas. Trouble is, she thinks it's hers. Everything is hers. I think that's her problem with the other cats. If I feed them, she's aghast... Surely the food is hers? After all this is Baileys house? Stupid humans.
red angel? that's Trinpink and more pink
My tree. Note we ditched the angel in favour of some pink fluffy extravaganza. I reckon it's the universe. The sun surrounded by the fluffy planets. This is what Sci-fi should be made of.
Bailey hates this red angel. She spends all day trying to reach it. It offends her Christian cat soul.


Anonymous said...

At least your cat has some taste. That's horrible.

Anonymous said...

And why would a Christian cat hate angels? It's probably a satanist cat. Have you ever caught it sacrificing goats or saying the Lord's prayer backwards?

Trinity said...

stop being so pedantic