Friday, December 16, 2005

end of term (as we know it)

The kids finished school today. I hardly saw the point of them going in at all this week as 'Work' seems to be the obscure word in that school.
Every lesson has been a dvd. Science showed the remarkable scientific presentation of 'The Incredibles' that well know look into the life of a superhero and his family.
Worse bit though is when they show something like The Exorcist during RE.
Everyone gives presents, we have presents coming out of our ears... Little boxes of chocolates, soaps, cuddly teddies and body sprays. Each gift I've had to examine with awe. 'Smell this mum... It's lush'.
Hmph, hardly Estee Lauder darling.
(Where does this word 'Prettiful' come from?)
Today Abby had period one and two off. She attended school at 10.30 am. She went to assembly. Was awarded a tenner for being 'good' (right) and school ended at 11.15 am.
GCSE year??
Danielle had to go in at 0830. Had a DVD , assembly where she got a certificate (aww) and allowed home at 12.00.
And so the Christmas Holidays commence.
Oh for the life of a teacher... Well one at THAT school anyways.


Anonymous said...

Easy to blame schools but I suspect that many of the pupils are already nearly unteachable anyhow due to shite parenting.

Paying kids to behave suggests a local education system at the end of its tether and it is hardly surprising if some teachers see themselves as just child minders.

It's a damn shame for parents like you. You seem to be very supportive of your kids, to be ambitious for them and to encourage them, but I suspect that is not the norm for your area and what you have said yourself at various times suggests that.

Is it too late to send your youngest somewhere else?

Anonymous said...

PS Why have you turned word verification on again??

Trinity said...

llots od samming form one source. I'll turn it off again at some point when they've pissed off

Donna said...

Kids finished school already!!!! Mine don't finish til Tuesday - I'm now feeling very lucky :)