Monday, November 01, 2004

Never Hold Grudges

The Grudge.
October 31st 2004. I took 4 teenagers Abby, Danika, Carl and Jamie to see The Grudge on a special advanced showing.
Carl (15) offered me his hand if I was scared.... I think I may have met my 15 year old match with that one! ;P
The film is about a house, a place where horrific murders took place three years ago.
There is a Japanese saying (supposedly) that if something terrible happens in a place, it's never forgotten and a curse is placed there for ever.
It seems a very violent man killed his wife and son and then himself in a jealous rage there.
Sarah Michelle Buffy (ha) Plays Karen, a blondie who has come to Japan with her BF to live. She gets a job working as a nurse for a care establishment.
On their books is a confused lady who lives in THE HOUSE!! (Spooky laughter)
Now we soon discover that whoever even steps over the threshold of that house is also cursed and doomed to die.
After the woman's real nurse Yoko disappears Karen gets sent to the house. And there starts her nightmare.
Karen appears to be a bit psychic and see's more into the house than others. This is never fully explained but helps us get the plot.
Ok, that's the dull bit over. This film is fast exciting and very scary. The Grudge is a fantastic apparition that scared the hell out of me. There's also a ghostly weird little boy, whose very spooky too.
The special effects are ace, the atmosphere perfect and it keeps you in suspense from start to finish. No one is immune from the Grudge, not even the Policemen.
I'm not sure Sarah Michelle fits into the film really, she doesn't really look totally shit scared at all, I'd like to see the Japanese version really.
My favourite bit?
When the estate agent puts his hands into the sink to unblock the drain and comes out with the ghosts head in his hands. Ace moment, oh and when 'Yoko' appears to the Care centres manager. That was a brilliant moment. The whole cinema jumped when he slipped in her blood.
TBH I really need to see it again to see the bits I missed because I had my fingers over my eyes, now it's been a while since a film got me like that!.
The end left it in prime position for Grudge 2. Much to Abbys delight...She really is a horror movie freak!

Posted by Hello

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