Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Any Doubt?

I hate Gwen Stefani. This jumped up blonde bitch thinks she is THE rock chick. I hate her smug 'I am it' attitude. Her recent break from No Doubt came as no surprise. I think she always thought herself far superior to them anyways. But in a recent Q interview she was asked what the rest of the band thought about her leaving. She said she didn't give a damn basically. Well girlie that group gave you the platform for stardom.
Gwen is no Madonna. She hasn't the power or passion behind her music. She's a rather bad version of Courtney Love, blonde from a bottle with a super bad attitude.
I detest people who consider themselves to be far better than they really are. Gwen Stefani is a first class example.


Jude said...

I think I'm better than I am.

Spaceminx said...

I used to like/fancy Gwen but after seeing her on the Jonathan Ross show & reading that interview in Q i've gone off her. Her head is so far up her own arse it must hurt.