Monday, November 22, 2004

Monday update

I been to see the doctor. She was only an hour late seeing me! But I forgave her because she was nice, she said 'Oh my dear you need antibiotics...And strong ones too". I breathed a sigh of relief.
The doctors surgery is a real eye opener. Today there was a little boy called Keidis, (mum must like RHCP). A rather angry guy of about 35 who was telling someone in a very loud voice that he'd overslept and missed his methadone slot. He was explaining in detail about some armed robbery he'd been involved in, how they'd shot through the kitchen window and how he was sure he was doing bird this time.
Truth is, he looked fairly decent. Not some scum.
I came home and deflea'd and wormed the kitten with stronghold. The vet told me to. After I treated her I noticed that the idiots had given me the wrong stuff..... stuff for BIG adult cats. I'd over dosed her x3 her proper amount. I phoned them in a panic and they were really blasé about it. Didn't even apologise. Pisses me off because the kitten stuff is way cheaper as well.
Then we had a girlie argument about who was washing up. In the commotion the kitten climbed into the cupboard under the sink. Danz shut the door on her, but when we opened it she'd disappeared. The madam had found a teeny tiny hole at the back and climbed under. Panic ensued as we tried to get her out. She was crying and crying. I wanted to cry. Then she emerged all dirty and covered in cobwebs.
Abby did the washing up. But I feel we may never hear the last of it. All she wants to do is

  1. Shop, spend money and shop more
  2. be online
  3. watch DVD's

I think that's a fair summary.

I bought a bottle of advocaat today for Christmas. But I opened it and had a couple of luscious snowballs. Yummy and I feel relaxed now. Hey they're good for you!! (my excuse)

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