Saturday, November 20, 2004

The Swan

The new extreme make over culture

ok I admit. I'm hooked on extreme make-over. I love seeing them after...Mind some of the American shows are rather OTT. One guy I saw looked very camp afterwards
Check out the Fox site above and see the shows slogan
These women thought they were never good enough for a beauty pageant.

Good enough for the beauty Pageant? I have a few issues with that really. Beauty isn't about pageants and hair straighteners. It's about who you are inside. Being individual. Passionate and caring.
I have a friend, a lovely friend who may not be the classic Miss World beauty. But she's more beautiful inside and out that any of those women. Her beauty shines.

Would I have plastic surgery? Maybe I did consider a bit of liposuction once. But we are what we are and I have been told that my beauty shines through my smile more than anything. Anyways despite all of that...I'm still hooked on extreme make-over! Least it's not Trisha though !

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