Sunday, November 14, 2004


Hope all OK. Sleep well. Hope for a cuddle soon - cheer me UP as well! When are you coming over, or me pop in to see you? Soon or sooner with luck?!

Like a dog with a bone. Will he ever give up? Maybe I should say like a dog with a boner...may be more apt. Eeeek


Stephen said...

Send him an e-mail back saying 'How many times do I have to say I never want to see you again, ever, under any circumstances'.

Trinity said...

This mornings email :(

Why no invite 4coffee yet - I can behave (difficult, but....) if I have to. Could do with cheering up, wish you could help sometimes. It WILL do us BOTH the world of good.

Ah well, take care, let me know when you are visiting me or I visit you.

Trinity said...

Is there any sign of YOU yet? Hope so. Or have you GOT a alibi that females like to give, "not tonight - I've got a headache!"

Imagine, snuggled up with charming company and all things feel better. I think tit is called "taking your mind off things". The old catch phrase was "come on down" - I am sure all those these will work wonders for me and would (WILL) make me FEEL very UP. What time can I expect you?
Can I cum on 'UP' ?

See and even chat soon?

Keith Horowitz said...

Guy has no sense.

Want me to email him? ;-)