Saturday, November 06, 2004


Friday 5th Guy Fawlkes Night
Work was hectic and busy again. Makes it go quickly though. When I got home they'd attempted to deliver my camera. So I braved the traffic once more and drove across town to the depot. Arrived three minutes before they closed. Gave me something to do for the evening.... Apart from the stress it caused when I couldn't get it to load onto the PC.
The fire works around here were awful... Well ok not awful but tons of loud bangs and loads of noise. The cats hated it and after 1/2 hour of trying to get out decided they were right to stay in and hid under the beds.
I couldn't get blogger to work and emailed them..And they sent me a rather nice email back explaining they had a few problems. I was impressed to say the least.
Feeling a little flat this week. Maybe it's because I was poorly last week? Maybe the winter's setting in? I'm a sun person. A Leo. The only good bit about winter is Christmas. But even that's hard on your own.
Were going to my sister's for dinner Christmas Day. I don't see eye to eye with her. We've never connected. She's bossy and self centred and I won't be looking forward to it at all. But hey it might be ok. Least there won't be any mess here. After years and years of working Christmas, it's nice to have the time off. I like watching the old movies they play over the holidays and sitting with the fairy lights on.
Talking of fairies that's our wards Christmas Decoration theme this year. I chose it of course. I love it Christmas eve on the unit with all the decorations up and the lights down low. Carol singers come around and sing to the babies. It makes me want to cry. Silly eh?
Anyways I'm trying not to dip into misery again...I'm trying very hard. I should think of all the good things in my life and ignore the stuff I haven't got. Because there's plenty worse off than me you know.
I had this weird dream last night that my mum emigrated to Australia and took my cats with her. I was devastated. My Cats???? She took the kids too but I only missed the cats. Bloody Hell. Maybe I am a bit stressed this week.
There's bound to be more fireworks tonight but hopefully it'll tail off now and normality will resume (the usual nicking the wheely bins and setting them alight, racing bikes round the roads, throwing stones at the window) great!
Posted by Hello

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