Thursday, September 01, 2005


I had bad news this morning. A friend from church and my best mates next door neighbour's child died last night.
She was just four, born early and she had overcome a huge amount of obstacles in her little life. She was vibrant, lively mischievous and beautiful. A tiny little frame for a very willful and bright little button.
She was starting big school on Tuesday.
She choked on some cake at Nursery yesterday. And that was it, she died.
I find it hard to accept the cruel twist in her life. I find it impossible to think about what her mum is feeling right now. And she was an excellent mum. The best. She work so hard for her child. Her only child.
There is no God. I remember having a conversation with her mum a while back about God. I remember her daughter running around us, playing and laughing as we chatted.
Cruel. Pointless and so very sad.

1 comment:

surly girl said...

that's awful and i'm so sorry for them. i have irrational panics sometimes about something happening to small person....

don't know what my point is but i wanted to say something. life is cruel.