Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Weird day. Not a very coping day. I was really tearful this morning. But for no real reason and it wasn't a depressive upset, just felt like I couldn't cope alone.
It lasted all through the day, though I didn't feel like crying. Just wanted to go home. Picked the wrong day though as it was busy and bitty and fast. I stayed behind for two hours due to work load and lack of staff.
You know sometimes, you feel crap and you take it out on maybe your husband or partner or mother or father? Well I often do that to the kids, I get really upset with them, then 20 minutes later realise what a bitch I've been and apologise.
Then I feel crap all day because to me I've failed to be nice.
I don't know. Guess no-one is perfect. Well I know one person who is. But that's my opinion.
Anyways I was bossy and impatient at work. But does it help if the bossy, impatient, crazy bitch you're working with, then turns around and apologises and says she knows she does it and she doesn't mean it?

I had an official letter today. I thought they were sacking me. But it was about our payrise. I couldn't make head nor tail of it. I'm band five. Bit like the Spice Girls. There were five of them at one point.
I also had a call from the college. A colleague took the call.My Shelf making course can't start until 4th October because Ken has urgent personal problems.
So I have to wait a week more to become a carpentry expert.
Jesus was a Carpenter. Worship me.


Trinity said...

Bless you my child.

Keith Horowitz said...

I can agree with weird day - been very wierd lately - like the Earth went through some sort of out-of-phase condition. I'd blame it on the full moon, if the moon was full.