Saturday, September 10, 2005

Pride and Prejudice Battle

Battle of the Darcy's. I still have the image of Colin Firth appearing dripping wet Matthew MacFadyen from the lake in my head. Corrrr.
Can Matthew MacFadyen do Mr Darcy justice? This remains to be seen and I will indeed answer my own query this week when I see the film.
To be fair, I'd have never initially put Colin Firth down as a heart throb. It was Colin Firthhis manner and charisma that attracted me. I'm a bit of a lover of dark, tall and unusually handsome men.
My sister is the most avid P&P fan. We went to see it once at the Victoria Rooms in Bristol. An amateur production. We still laugh about it now because it turned out to be 'Pride and Prejudice the Musical'. She was mortified.
Plus, Mr Darcy was about 60! and I assure you, not an attractive 60 either.
There should be a law. Anyone who plays Mr Darcy should be lush.

Mr Darcy, even the name sends shivers down my spine.

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