Saturday, September 03, 2005


Can't sleep. My arm is so tender. My eyes are bloodshot, the kids can't bear to look at them. I felt so unwell last night. I was cold and couldn't stop shivering. Think I banged my head really hard... Maybe it will knock some sense up there.
Anyways, if I don't post for a while don't fret about me (anyone out there who cares) Lately all I seem to do is moan and be unwell, always something happening. You must be bored to tears of me. My little blog wants happy thoughts and times.
I'm too easily hurt, too sensitive and have no self worth at all. Maybe I'll go somewhere and work on that. Failing that I have great wrist veins. I looked last night.
Take care guys.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blogg tells us how you are and knowing that matters more than smiles and wishes hunny.
We love hearing when you're up but we want to know when you're down too.
You're in our thoughts and EVERYBODY has little whines and whinges when it's all going swimmingly so dont beat yourself up about feeling poo when things are going bad.
Take care.
You matter!