Sunday, May 08, 2005

Wow The ex dishes the money

Abby showed her father her school report and looked pleading. He wrote her a cheque for fifteen quid. Unheard of. He also went to give me a tenner towards Danz's Guide camp, he made some comment about not knowing whether we were just trying to get money out of him. Was she really going on camp or were we trying to extort a tenner off him?
We showed him the letter and then Abby gave him some sob story (actually not such a story TBH) about us not having any money. I didn't say a lot but I did stand there the whole time. Which is a breakthrough because I can't normally stand to even look at him. I did joke with him that he pays me 65p too little each month. The CSA award letter says £150.65. He laughed. Then asked for the ten pound guide camp cheque back and write a cheque out for the whole lot.
A miracle in Bristol.

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