Thursday, May 19, 2005

Students, mothers and scoobies

I've been sleeping better. Much better and feel so much more whole again. Work was cool yesterday. An uneventful and fairly calm shift. though, I'm not sure student nurses actually want to learn anything anymore. Maybe they're just tired but enthusiasm was sadly lacking. The one whose scared of patients had a three hour training and didn't return. She was however on a 12 hour shift. In my day you'd have been hauled across the coals for that. But in my training days we WERE the ward staff not just 'observers' like they consider themselves these days.
I always feel guilty if I ask them to wash up or stock up. I think they make me feel that way. But I'd prefer to be busy than sat at the nurses station looking bored and sticking out like a sore thumb. How can you be bored on a kids ward? There is ALWAYS some child to play with. But sadly play isn't considered as vital. They want to see procedures and listen to doctors.
You know what? I'm going to get out paints tomorrow and make them do some really messy stuff. Ha.
I seem to have developed a taste for beer. I've always hated it, the smell the taste. But we have some stubby bottles in the cupboard left over from Christmas. I always keep stuff like that in the vain hope of ever being visited by someone. Sigh, never happens though.
Every night I've been drinking one or two. It chills me, but I don't get that awful tired kick that I get with other alcoholic drinks. I rarely drink TBH. It has bad effects on me that we shan't go into here.
I was also brought up thinking that ladies didn't drink beer. Hilarious right? But that's what's been drummed into me. Real men drink beer and ladies have a sherry or a tonic water with lemon.
I felt real sad when I read Shaly's comments on the post about their school gates being locked. She's a lovely sensitive girl and for her to panic that she's going to Image Hosted by ImageShack.usbe locked out is sooo bad. I tried to ring the education advisory line yesterday but couldn't get through.
The whole area round here has gone Scoubidous crazy. The girls sit for hours lacing and making key rings and bracelets. Drives me nuts. Loads of little plastic bits over the house all the time. Even the neighbour came in to ask Danielle how to make them. The kids in work all got them. Even parents round the shops got them hanging from their purses. By Christmas there will be a shortage and eBay will be selling them for a fortune...I better get some in just in case.
Once again on Tuesday I found it hard to drag Marie away from the Mother's Union notice board. How she wants to join. Especially now they're inviting men to join the fold. Men in the mothers union? Cool. Not sure how good they'll look in the official coat though and holding the royal blue bag. Marie's thinking of patenting a Mother's Image Hosted by ImageShack.usUnion Royal Blue Rabbit to fit said bag. She thinks it might spice up proceedings? I know the MU do good works but in her church, it's so dull. They got pictures of about 8 grey haired old ladies walking around Bristol, visiting grave stones. Underneath one picture of three of them staring at a grey gravestone it has the comment 'And a great time was had by all'
hmmm maybe someone had a hipflask full of gin on them then? You never know.


Donna said...

I got a "Good Mother" award the other night, by driving my 6 and 9 year old sons around to toy shops til we found some scoobies. Yay!!! I did something right. I told George they were for girls, but it didn't put him off (nothing like reinforcing sterotypes ... he could be asking me how to knit soon ;)

Anonymous said...
this is the best place on the net for Scoubidous
