Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Pink Boots and Scary stuff

Spooky! I spent Halloween one year in New York State with friends. Wow it was very cool. The whole village decorated their houses and homes and in a huge field one family had made a maze with scary people jumping out at you. We went to a Pumpkin Farm and the kids went real trick or treating.
Well Abby has decided we're having a Halloween party this year and I'm to start preparing! Right. She wants some red stuff like blood to drink and reckons red wine would be suitable. Right.
We'll see.
I got some really cool stuff from eBay today including these adorable pink boots (for Danz) they look cool on me though. I love eBay. The excitement of bidding. The the oh my god I won...And now I got to pay for it low.
Maybe I'll wear those pink boots to Madcity when I got visit in 2 weeks. I've never been up further than Birmingham. Hope they got electric for my hair straighteners.
Posted by Hello

1 comment:

clarrie said...

your poncy southern straighteners won't work with our tuff northern leccy