Thursday, October 14, 2004

New Game

The little streets around my house are a bit of a rat-run. Lots of cars, vans and lorries scoot past to cut off a bit of their journey. But this week the road adjacent to mine has been blocked off. Ha! This morning was fun, watching everyone drive very fast past then have to back up and turn back. I can't WAIT for the next police chase. It's going to be such fun.
The traffic in town today was awful. Road works everywhere, The Filton roundabout was responsible for most of my patients turning up an hour late for appointments. For heavens sake, they dig up the roads and then 2 weeks later dig them up again. I HATE road diggers, temporary traffic lights and tractors.
And whilst I'm on a traffic rant.... I've been noticing the bad drivers on today's roads aren't the women but the 60-70 year old men. There seems to be loads of them on the roads. Well Grandad you might have been a good driver in your day but on today's busy roads you're a liability. The older women seem to realise they need to be a bit careful, but the men? This week every day whilst I've been (speeding) hurrying to work or back an older man has pulled out infront of me, then proceeds to drive at 15 miles per hour. Or one of my 'favs' is to pull out, make me brake sharply then immediately want to turn right, so I have to wait there for five minutes till a big enough gap for a car driving at 5 miles per hour appears and he can get across.
I watched an old guy reverse 'into' a parking space at McDonalds tonight. He reversed three times onto the pavement and the fourth time onto the pavement AND into the Macdonald rubbish bin. His car? a huge estate one. Obviously needed to compensate his ever decreasing penis size.
Get a metro and a box of viagra there's a love.

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