Sunday, October 17, 2004

Que Sera

I live and I'm not dead from potato products. Stalker did come here and did talk his way into the front room where he was met by Abby and Danika who didn't leave my side. Danika gave him the once over and decided he was a prick. The guy doesn't even know who Queen are! And his fav music is Acker Bilk? (who?) She kept giving him these incredulous looks like "Are you for real?" Then I told him he had to leave as I needed to go to bed early and he said 'is that an invite?' infront of Abby. She went mad and forbids me from EVER allowing him in our house again. Ok that's no problem.
I'm weak. I don't like confrontations. I find it difficult to say no. I hate hurting people and worry that if I do they'll turn nasty and start threatening me. I feel quite alone because I don't know who I'd turn to for help. My family wouldn't understand.
Anyways, Clarrie is cross with me for letting him in. And I wish I hadn't now. I should have made a stand. But hopefully no harm done and he didn't mention seeing me again. Maybe Danika put him off? Though he seemed to enjoy it. Hmm pervert.

1 comment:

Spaceminx said...

Just give me the nod dear and I'll be down there with a baseball bat. Mind you, he'd probably enjoy that too. Ew!

But seriously, just don't let him in. Don't acknowledge him. Change your email addy, phone number or however it is that he's contacting you. And make sure the only sentences you use in his presence include the words 'fuck' and 'off'. He's using the fact that you don't like confrontation and don't like to say no to his advantage.