Friday, September 03, 2004

School is Ace! ;-(

I live across the road from Danz school. And they have acquired a loud hailer for play time use. It's driving me mad. 'Mark Green you have missed your dinner, report to the office' boomed out 5 mins ago. As play time goes on the voice on the loud hailer gets more and more stressed. Higher pitched and shorter in temper. I need double glazing.
The cat's just come in with blood seeping from his nose again. Fighting over in the school playing fields with a big grey thing that looked like a wolf.
And next door are playing RnB loud and with passion.
Deepest Joy
ps. Hmph Abby has signed in MSN as 'Skool is crap'. Why do schools have to be so confrontational? Danika's not allowed back in class till she removes her black nail varnish. Now to me this is silly. It's not hurting anyone. It's part of her self-expression. Plus the more you say no the more they rebel.

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