Thursday, September 30, 2004

DNR= Do not resuscitate

BBC NEWS Health Ill baby 'faces lifetime of pain'

I've been following this story with much interest. In my years as a paeds nurse I have had much experience with parents and critically sick children. Parents who are in denial that their child will never lead a normal life, parents guilt that they've done something wrong to cause their illness, even Jehovah Witness parents that would rather their child die than give life saving treatment like a blood transfusion.
The Charlotte Wyatt case is sad. Born too early, her brain and lungs haven't developed fully. There is NOTHING that will help this situation....This is too severe.
Being ventilated means having a plastic tube down into your lungs to breath for you. Its very invasive and traumatic. The artificial ventilation of the lungs can damage the fragile lungs of these severely premature babies. Oxygen and air are forced into the lungs at just the right amount. This , however, isn't like normal breathing. After prolonged periods of ventilation the lungs can get damaged, stiff and more and more difficult to fill. Imagine having air forced into your lungs when you have a bad chest infection? The doctor who said Charlotte's life would be 'dominated by pain and suffering' was right.
Listen, doctors save patients. The staff at Portsmouth hospital will be in a terrible state about this. After all those months of looking after Charlotte, they wanted a happy ending. But it wasn't to be. Now they just want dignity and peace for the little scrap they fought for.
I am outraged to read this website David It made me want to cry. How dare he call us the National Death Service? How dare he?
The doctors do NOT want to kill off Charlotte. They are committed to her life...But if she decides herself the time is right to go. They won't put her through the torturous trauma of resuscitating her. How much more can she suffer? She probably make it past her second birthday. Her lungs are very immature and damaged. What's wrong with wanting dignity and peace for someone?
Be sensible all you 'pro-life isn't she cute' people out there. If she had any chance would the doctors be dragging through the courts so publicly? We are our patients advocates. We want what is right and best for them. Sometimes the emotional tug and bond that ties the parents is too tight and they cannot see the woods for the trees. They cannot bear the pain they will feel when their baby is released. But Charlotte's pain is paramount. No one should be made to suffer like that. No one!, it isn't right and it isn't fair. You may see a baby lying there but I see the true facts that making Charlotte survive is cruel.
God bless Charlotte and her family, but also pray for those brave Doctors and Nurses who are trying to do the right thing. Do not condemn. Sympathise.

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