Saturday, September 11, 2004


It appears that all over the city the local secondary school's (comps) are turning into 'Colleges'. Abby's school is an Engineering College. Another one not too far away is a college of excellence for performing Arts. The Church school is now a Humanities College.
Abby came home with her new contact book. They are now College students. The school is wholly referred to as College but interestingly enough the kids are still treated like schoolkids!
Its all a big gimmick. Plus a reason to allow industry into the schools and get revenue from advertising. At her last school there was some company's name on all the letters home.
Plus its impossible to get your child into the school of your choice anyways. I'd be lucky to get Danz into Abby's 'College' next year (of course they have to take her with the siblings rule) my catchment school is the one with the lowest marks in the city and amongst the lowest in the whole country.
what's the point in a college for performing Arts? Unless you live there you can't access the places so even if your child has a natural dramatic ability.... Your barred.
Plus where's the college of excellence in Maths or English? Where's the 'good all round education and discipline ' one. Next thing we'll be calling them Young Universities.
You still get told off for having the wrong colour PE Kit in an engineering college.
(Kids of today don't know they're born though. I remember the days of Airtex Shirts and Navy Blue Knickers, still traumatised now by the thought of going outside in sub zero temperatures and doing cross country in my underwear)

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