Sunday, September 05, 2004


Danika stayed last night and so did Hollie Marie. The little ones finally went to sleep at about midnight but I was shocked to be awoken by loud laughter at 5am and find Abby and Dan still up and using the PC's. Oh we been on webcam, I was informed. I heard one of them say...Lets get up again in an hour. Well its 11am and they're still blotto. But I'm cross with them.
The little ones awoke with the birds bright and chirpy. It's estranged daddy day. Abby refused to go so Danz is going with Hollie (well planned by her) in a while. He's always late though.
I didn't sleep well, had some really weird dreams, mainly about me driving a moped around town. Never been on a moped in my life. I feel mangled and frazzled. Nice day outside though.
Going to continue my new get fit regime today and increase the walking.
Oh I had a phone call at 11pm last night. A guy who won't take no for an answer. He always rings very late. To me that's impolite and blatantly sexual. Why always ring then? I think I know the answer only too well.

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