Saturday, February 18, 2006

saturday adverts

Crikey, sandwiched in between adverts for Caneston cream and that ridiculous First Active advert;
"You might want to get extra staff in this afternoon".
"Have you been at that window again?"

Behold the most cringe worthy advert, I've seen in a while.
Britney Spears and her new perfume 'Fantasy' has her husband Kev (or it least it looks damn like him) dressed in some Image Hosted by ImageShack.usRobin Hood kit and hitting her with a lurve arrow whilst she prances round the forest like some wood Nymph.
Truly embarrassing and he doesn't even have a huge felt pouch to look at.
It's not all bad though. I like the Ozzy Osbourne advert for some butter product.
His "I'm not making Fairy cakes... I'm doing ROCK cakes" line made me laugh.
I prefer Ozzy to Britney. Fantasy? Pah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She can look good, but she shouldn't be allowed to speak - she makes Jessica Simpson seem like Einstein.