Thursday, February 09, 2006

a contract

silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly silly

Come and be my friend. Oh! you can only be a friend for a few weeks? Well ok. I don't mind. I completely understand it can only be for a while. I accept that.Because you're nice and I like you and we'll have great fun. Yes we have great fun and I really like you. Doesn't matter that you're far away. We'll be friends for ever.
But after it's over. And you're gone. I'll turn into a weeping blob of patheticness. I'll be miserable. I'll draw you down into the pits of despair. I'll wail and weep. I'll be clingy and demanding. I'll sulk and cry. I'll cease to be fun and I'll be silly.
Still want to be my friend?
Thought not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I signed.
Friends don't need to be there through the good times. It's through the bad times that friends are friends.
I'll be you friend always.