Wednesday, August 03, 2005

A mothers life

When I was a little girl No-one taught me how to cook or do ironing. I guess I learnt by watching my mum. Mind, my mum is a pretty awful cook even now, so maybe it was my Nan for the cooking. Certainly my Nan for the Gardening.
But mum showed me how to do stuff like ironing, she taught me to knit, sew, clean, all sorts of stuff you can do but aren't ever really sure how you did it.
I wonder how Abby is going to learn to do stuff? I was ironing shirts today. My sister brought her husbands in for me to do. Now there is of course a specific way to iron a shirt, I distinctly remember being shown how to do it. I thought how is Abby going to learn to do this? She isn't interested in anything like that. She never asks questions or offers to do anything.
Maybe life has changed so much that ironing shirts will be an archaic thing of the past. Maybe material will have evolved so much irons will be defunct.
I somehow think she'll need to cook though. She has no idea of a basic cake mixture, how to make pastry, a basic rout for a sauce. I better get a move on I guess otherwise It'll be her crap Mother who'll get the blame.
Ah you haven't mentioned Danielle I hear you say (I hear voices) she's a different kettle of fish. The Kid burnt herself ironing,when she was 5. She told her teacher at Infant school too!. Fell down the stairs vacuuming them, at 7 years. Loves to cook, She's a watcher, she learns and likes the praise of being able to do stuff. She can do french hair plaits, blow dry hair and make cookies.
She said "Ta" at 7 months in the appropriate place of course, could tie her own shoelaces at just three years. Just a different child I guess.
Line up men, she'll make a great wife. Abby however, will need one of those 21st century men whose Mothers had them washing floors at age 5.

I went to the Doc. He said I was coming off the Effexor a bit too fast. Nice man, patient, I think I worried him though because when I left he followed me into the corridor. They usually say shut the door behind you and are prob thinking, thank God she's gone.

Couldn't get a vet Appt today for Bailey but taking her tomorrow. I don't think she's preggers, but she sure is fat. Mind next doors 4 year old, was caught by his mother, feeding her three slices of best ham this morning. And she ate the lot.

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