Friday, August 26, 2005

Thank Friday it's Friday

Thanks Guys but I'm not really cool, honest. ;P
Danielle comes home today. Amazingly Abby is spending the night at her fathers. Some 'quality time' (her inverted commas not mine). He wanted to pick her up at 8 and bring her back at 10 am the next morning, but she went mad and said it wasn't worth going just to sleep there and she wanted to Do something. So they're going for a Chinese meal tomorrow at lunchtime. I think that's a bit weird but what the heck.
I'm battling overwhelming nausea today; I'm taking all my tablets together and think that may be the problem TBH.
Oh well, something new everyday. Life is never dull. BTW Daniel. I can't do three-finger clapping. I think I must be deformed.

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