Sunday, August 28, 2005


I joined a forum. I've never written on it, I'm not sure I agree with all of it. It's all about people with mental health problems, using herbs, and diet and talking to cure mental health issues and not chemical drugs. It's however full of people coming off of drugs. All sorts of drugs including Effexor. I get emails every time they post. Some of them are really helpful. A lot of things I'm experiencing lately, they are experiencing too. The intense sadness and feeling of isolation.... Interestingly these people have partners, kids families WITH them. And they are still v v lonely. The crying, the headaches, the vomiting, it's all withdrawal effects. I'm still really mad that there has been no support from my Doctors.
But Hoorah for the Internet. The forum recommends eating well, and keep talking about it. Only bit of advice I've had. Sounds good though.
Occasionally they discuss something that I think's a bit freaky..Like buying a salt lamp. Meant to help apparently. No idea what a salt lamp is. But then someone will email with exactly the same feelings as me. So I'm not alone with this nightmare.
I will survive guys.
Live to tell the tale.
Vive la Vie.


Anonymous said...

That is great :) Really!
The "I know how you feel" comments that all of us sometimes manage to send your way are so way off the mark and despite being said with the best of intentions both you and we know, we don't know exactly how you feel. But now, now you DO have people who know EXACTLY how you feel.
You are not alone Trin.
Never alone ;)

Stephen said...

I love the interweb. Try , of course.

Stephen said...

Grr, stupid blogger comments

Trinity said...

They look really lovely. I might get one next month. I like the idea of them. I'm very receptive to suggestion. If I think something may often does... dopey eh?

Gama Salt said...

Salt lamps are great, but they won't do anything for mental health problems, that's just silly. They are natural ionizers, that help clean the air. Now that you have word verification on, you shouldn't get the comment spam you just got above. And if you want to remove that post or even mine, then just do that.