Thursday, April 28, 2005

Meet the hamster

Meet the new addition to the family. He's called Wyatt (from the Charmed ones fame) he's going to need to be pretty charmed with these three cats. Bailey is terrified of him. No idea why but she runs a mile.
I have no idea why we have yet another animal in this wild house, but oh well, in for a penny.
I have been so tired today...No tired is too small a word. It's been fatigue. I fell asleep all afternoon and got up and felt positively ill. I forced myself to do stuff. Even made an Apple crumble for my friend? Julian. I haven't heard if he liked it. Hope he's not struck down with apple crumple gut ache or something.
Felt even better after I actually left the house and did something. I think I need to stop this wanting to stay safe indoors crap and move on.
The weekend's nearly here. Maybe we'll go do something for once.
Sorry if I've been a bit loopy Lou this week. I'll be ok.
I know my self esteem is at rock bottom. I don't want to talk to anyone, see anyone, do anything, My hair is a mess. I look dreadful and I'm putting on weight. I realise my blog has been pretty crap this week. Sorry guys. But I'll try harder. Just don't forsake me ok?


Unknown said...

He's quite adorable. :)

clarrie said...

omg don't tell O about teh hamster. I am vetoing getting a rabbit, on teh basis of rabbits and cats not mixing. O says he wants a rabbit instead of cats cos bunnies are cuter . tsk.