Thursday, April 14, 2005

Fark thread. Farkers don't understand us brits. (1441653) Yet another really drunk student learns the hard lesson about eating kebabs while mooning people high up above a spiked fence

"His trousers and pants were around his ankles and he could not move. He bent forward and went out of the window."
It's the way he would've wanted it: mounted with his bollocks on full display and an iron spike up his bottom. Very dignified.
/would've got a 9.9 from the German judge...
death by misadventure"

Ok so the guy made a mistake...... a big mistake I know
This would make an awesome band name or fark name.
/goes to register "death by misadventure" on fark
"Death by Misadventure."
I have a new goal in life/death.

So Americans don't have death by misadventure? what's so funny about the word Misadventure?

WTF is a "pub crawl????" Not that I can't guess, but the English language is way different on their side of the pond.

We are the English language matie. What's a pub crawl? It's visiting every pub in the entire city and eventually you start crawling...believe me.
"Those Brits and their crazy scams"
Why do the Brits call it a "flat"?
Must be a good reason.... "

No Stairs, nutcase (oh except you usually have to use stairs to get to the flat with no stairs because the lift is always out of action) Always been a bit nervous of lifts since I saw the Ring.

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