Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Judge Sloop rides again

Living as trinity...judge sloop

So Judge Sloop hits the headlines again. The 56 year old Florida Judge has had a full psychiatric evaluation, after he wrongfully sent 11 people to jail in December 04.
He says his ADHD made him do it. Now he's back in court seeing minor cases only.
What a bunch of crap. Being a Judge is a vitally important job. They more often than not make decisions on peoples lives alone. Attention Deficit hyperactivity disorder is a problematic disorder for suffers and those around them
Here's a check list for sufferers

Are you told you fidget a lot of the time?
Are you generally restless and unable to sit still for as long as others?
Are you impulsive?
Do you find it hard to stop and think before doing or saying anything?
Are you sometimes in difficult situations because you have reacted angrily or even violently?
Are you known to have a hot temper and mood swings?
Do people say 'I never know where I am with you'?
Is it hard for you to concentrate?
Do you start projects and then abandon them?
Are you disorganised at work and at home?
Have you lost jobs because of poor time-keeping or because it's hard for you to stick to a task?

Looking at this list. I think Judge Sloop needs to retire or move onto a less demanding role where the general public aren't put at risk of bad decisions.
ADHD Suffers can lead full and successful lives. Great people with a lot to give but when it starts affecting ordinary peoples lives around them, something needs to be done.
Besides. He's a jerk.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have seen Sloop in action and his attitude seemed to be that of a condescending, I don't give a crap what you've got to say, you'll be spending a lot of time in jail butthole. To blame his behavior on ADHD is a bunch of garbage. He needs a major dose of the same medicine he gave a lot of undeserving people that went before him.